My surprise farewell


Yesterday (Saturday 3rd August) my friends threw me a surprise farewell party at my favorite restaurant- Food lovers Market in Claremont. My best friend Hilary badgered me into going to Food lovers market for about a week on and off, to take advantage of their half price pizza. I naturally kept complaining, why go to Food lovers? Lets just keep the extra cash for vodka and head out later! It seemed like such an obvious solution and she just couldn't see my point of view. Yet she continued and continued to pester me into eating a damn pizza with her. So eventually, I begrudgingly agreed that we could go on Saturday.

To make matters worse, because we had planned to head out afterwards, I took my sweet time getting ready to go out- I took a long shower, tried on a few outfits and even painted my toes nails. Seeing as I was fetching Hilary and Gabi, I wasn't too phased about taking my time to get to Hilary's house. They could just sit and have a glass of wine. Its one of those situations were you feel nothing to be 45 minutes late for your best friends, because well.. they're your best friends. Little did I know that 15 other people were waiting for me at the restaurant (oops).

A picture with the ultimate party planner - Hilary.
Once I arrived at the house, Hilary and Gabi seemed to be in such a hurry, running to the car, as if the house was on fire. "Are we in a hurry?" I asked Hilary confused. "No, we are just really really hungry" Hilary shouted as she slammed the car door and furiously motioned for me to drive with her hands. Hey who am I to deny a clearly anxious girl her pizza when she's hungry?

I suppose in hindsight I should probably have realized that it was quite unusual for Hilary and Gabi to both be typing furiously on their cell phones throughout the drive. When we finally arrived at the restaurant, Hilary started speaking to the hostess in hushed tones. Frankly, I was just chalking the neuroses up to hunger. You can imagine my surprise when we were taken to our tables, to find there was already 15 other people sitting there!!

Ahhhhhh. It was such a great surprise to spend the evening talking to all my buddies before I go! Thank you so much everyone for coming. Especially to Hilary for pestering me to come, phoning my mother to make sure I would be free on that day, and making me a collage of photos to take with me.

The beautiful collage that Hilary made with all the home and Rhodes friends

It kind of makes me sad that I'm leaving all these good friends behind. I hope that the qoute Hilary left on my picture collage comes true, "Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart" (E.Roosevelt).
 So amazing! Thank you!!!

Out having a partaktjie at tiger