Future Plans and 'Cape Town 2.0'

As sad as it was, this time round I decided not to renew my contract at school. As of August 2015 - I will be fun-employed and returning permanently to the Mother City. I have jokingly called this next project in my life 'Cape Town 2.0'.

A much as I am terrified of trying to find a job at home, I know that it is time to move on. I have loved living in Korea, it has taught me so much about growing up, different cultures and even more about saving money. Yet, after two years I think its time to go home and be around my family and friends. As a native teacher in Korea you are forever saying goodbye to old friends and meeting new ones. As exciting as this is, it can become a little wearing at times. I feel happy in my decision to close the book on this fantastic chapter for a while. Although I am sure I will be itching to go again in a year or two.

Only 3 full months as a teacher left.
Mostly, I am exciting for the end of August when I fly out to Malaysia (Langkawi) to meet mini-me, (or more skinny-me) for a week of tanning and cocktails. My sister will be ditching the last week of university to go snorkeling in the sun with me. I am already fully prepared for the two of us to be the palest girls on the island. We are also just a little bit excited about the duty free booze sold on the island.

Langkawi - I can't wait!

Christine and I. Christine with a little hair mustache representing her masculine side.

After  a week with sister smurf, I will be flying to Indonesia for a fortnight, to meet an old university buddy, Gabi for great food, island hopping and volcano watching. I cannot wait to tan on Gili beach and see ancient temples in Yogikarta.

Gili here we come!!

Gabi and I at Maree's 21st. It was a 'Walk of Shame' dress up party - I am useless at dress up and just wore something sparkly.
Gabi and I with Sarah, Justin and Pierre at Graduation.

But don't wave goodbye just yet, I still have 4 more months in this weird and exciting little country. I intend to have as much fun as possible in my remaining time. You can sleep when your dead right? Here's to another few months of teaching, laughing and just a little bit of soju in Korea.