Winter seems to have finally hit Yeongju. Woke up to a text from Norah this morning that said "Have you looked outside?"
Being the mature 23 year old that I am... I flew out of bed, ran down the stairs to the bottom floor of our apartment block with no shoes on and smiled in awe at  the first falling snow I have ever seen in my life. I caught myself mid clap and realized I must look completely ridiculous trying to catch snow with my bare fingers in a super girl nightie and pink sleeping shorts. 
Thank god I didn't see anyone else who lives in our block.

It continued to snow off and on throughout the day.. and I have enjoyed every slushy, cold second of it. Although I have quickly come to realize that the ugg boots are not going to cut it in the snow. They are currently drying on the heater before I have to put them back on again and head home.

In the third period, one of the boys came up and asked me if he could borrow the dustpan. I naively assumed it might be to sweep something up.
I should really know better by now.
5 minutes later I saw the same boy come tearing back in through the door, pull back his friends hoodie and drop a pile of snow down the back of his neck.
The poor unexpectant friend jumped up and let out a high pitched squeel of disbelief.
He sounded like a girl in kindergarten.
The whole class, admittedly including the English teacher, howled with laughter as boy tore off his hoodie desperately trying to get warm and regain some composure. I later noticed that the dustpan hadn't been returned. I am certain that revenge is coming haha.

As there are only 5 female teachers in the school, the female bathroom is located in a totally different building to the one I teach in. Ultimately, to conserve warmth, I am just going to stop drinking coffee during the day altogether. I feel a bit like Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother because I have to "SUIT UP" every time I need to visit the bathroom. This morning I left for school with 5 layers on. I swear its like adjusting to a new world coming from South Africa.

 In warmer news, It looks like Tamrin and I ( and possibly others as well) will be heading to Thailand at the end of January. It seems we may not see the sun again until then, so looking forward to it. Very excited for impending cocktails.

Cocktails and summer dresses to follow in January
The annual Yeongju Halloween party was a roaring success!
I have never really paid a whole lot of interest  to Halloween until the giant party we had on the 2nd of November.  I ended up going dressed as a fairy, while a friend, Tamrin went as a rag doll - we decided to shelf 2 broke girls until next year.

The girls singing Spice Girls
I cannot in all confidence say that I clearly remember the entire party. Oops.
I remember being at the party and singing my heart out at the Norebang (a karaoke room)  till 4 in the morning. However,  I honestly cannot remember getting from one place to the other. The general consensus  around town is that no one can truly claim to have been particularly sober that evening. Once again I felt very lucky to be a part of the Yeongju foreigner community, every one came, had a fabulous time and dressed the part.

The party had many prizes, ranging from the best dressed to the best lip syncer. I couldn't decided who to vote for, so in my inebriated state, voted multiple times when people weren't looking (hehe).  Here are some of the winners (all of the beautiful photography  taken by the lovely Lindsay Monk - as Claire was too busy partying)

*Special mention for her fantastic photography*

Best couple:
Kali and Edmond - Frida Kahlo's

Best home-made outfit:

Norah - a blow up man thingie. She made it out of a kids crawling ring!

Best overall costume:

Mel - Edward Scissor hands (with Lindsay dressed as minion from Despicable Me)

Laziest dress:

Simon (nice wig) Good solid effort (Leith as Kim Jong Il the North Korean president)

Best Lip sync

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball

Tamrin (who spent 4 hours traveling down just for the party) and I were so hungover the next day, we only went in search of food at about 2pm. We ended up sitting at an all you can eat Korean BBQ place, trying to sort ourselves out in time to teach the next day. My hangover subsided mid Tuesday afternoon. 

Great party! Next Yeongju event - the Movemeber party. Should be fun!